Kerberos basics and installing a KDC

28 Februar, 2014

This blog is part of the blog series Kerberos and Hadoop and it explains what Kerberos is and how you can set up a Kerberos server. This is the first part of the blog series and it is just a ‚helper‘ blog, which explains what Kerberos is and how it can be installed. The rest of the series contain:

Background Kerberos

Kerberos is a network authentication protocol and it is built on the assumption that network connections are unreliable. Kerberos uses secret-key cryptography to enable strong authentication by providing user-to-server authentication.

Kerberos has its own terminology which we need to shortly explain before we go further.

To understand the Kerberos terminology better, you can read the Kerberos Authentication Protocol site.

A Kerberos server, usually called Key Distribution Center (KDC) resides on one physical host, but logically has multiple components incorporated:

To access a service using Kerberos a client must do the following:

  1. Authenticate to the Kerberos Authentication Server and receive a Ticket Granting Ticket (TGT)
  2. Request a service ticket from the Ticket Granting Server
  3. Use the service ticket to authenticate to the server that is providing the service the client wants to use (in our case: HDFS, MapReduce, HBase, etc.)

The following picture shows the steps mentioned above.


Install Kerberos Key Distribution Center

The KDC server can be a completely separate machine or for example the machine where Cloudera Manager is running. You should bare in mind that if the KDC is not accessible, you will not be able to use your Hadoop cluster. To install the KDC server I followed the steps describe on the CentOS website: Configure a Kerberos 5 server.

Short summary of the necessary steps:

NOTE: These commands need to be performed on the machine which will act as the KDC. All these command need to be preformed as root or as a user with sudo rights.

  1. Install the krb5-libs, krb5-server, and krb5-workstation packages.
$ yum install krb5-libs krb5-server krb5-workstation
  1. Set the realm name and the domain-to-realm mapping in /etc/krb5.conf and /var/kerberos/krb5dc/kdc.conf

    NOTE: By convention, all realm names are uppercase and all DNS hostnames and domain names are lowercase.

    Our KDC is running on and out realm is GDD.NL. Here is the content of the /etc/krb5.conf file:

$ cat /etc/krb5.conf
     default = FILE:/var/log/krb5libs.log
     kdc = FILE:/var/log/krb5kdc.log
     admin_server = FILE:/var/log/kadmind.log

     default_realm = GDD.NL
     dns_lookup_realm = false
     dns_lookup_kdc = false
     ticket_lifetime = 24h
     renew_lifetime = 7d
     forwardable = true

     GDD.NL = {
      kdc =
      admin_server =

    [domain_realm] = GDD.NL = GDD.NL

The content of /var/kerberos/krb5kdc/kdc.conf

$ cat /var/kerberos/krb5kdc/kdc.conf
     kdc_ports = 88
     kdc_tcp_ports = 88

     GDD.NL = {
      #master_key_type = aes256-cts
      acl_file = /var/kerberos/krb5kdc/kadm5.acl
      dict_file = /usr/share/dict/words
      admin_keytab = /var/kerberos/krb5kdc/kadm5.keytab
      supported_enctypes = aes256-cts:normal aes128-cts:normal des3-hmac-sha1:normal arcfour-hmac:normal des-hmac-sha1:normal des-cbc-md5:normal des-cbc-crc:normal
      max_life = 24h 0m 0s
            max_renewable_life = 7d 0h 0m 0s

NOTE: we added the max_life and max_renewable_life properties.

  1. Create the database which stores the keys for the Kerberos realm. With -s we create the stash file in which we store the master password. Without this file the KDC will prompt the user for the master password every time that it starts.
$ kdb5_util create -s
  Loading random data
  Initializing database '/var/kerberos/krb5kdc/principal' for realm 'GDD.NL',
  master key name 'K/[email protected]'
  You will be prompted for the database Master Password.
  It is important that you NOT FORGET this password.
  Enter KDC database master key:
  Re-enter KDC database master key to verify:
  1. Edit the /var/kerberos/krb5kdc/kadm5.acl file to specify which principals have administrative access.
$ cat /var/kerberos/krb5kdc/kadm5.acl
  */[email protected]    *
  1. Create your first principal

    NOTE: First you should create a principal which has administrator privileges (the pricipal has to match the expression that you specified in /var/kerberos/krb5kdc/kadm5.acl). The kadmin utility communicates with the kadmind server over the network, and uses Kerberos to handle authentication. The first principal must already exist before connecting to the server over the network. We can create this principal with kadmin.local.

$ kadmin.local -q "addprinc tunde/admin"
  Authenticating as principal root/[email protected] with password.
  WARNING: no policy specified for tunde/[email protected]; defaulting to no policy
  Enter password for principal "tunde/[email protected]":
  Re-enter password for principal "tunde/[email protected]":
  Principal "tunde/[email protected]" created.
  1. Start Kerberos and make sure that the services will start after reboot
$ service krb5kdc start
$ service kadmin start
$ chkconfig krb5kdc on
$ chkconfig kadmin on
  1. Use kadmin or kadmin.local to add principals. But which one can we use? As root you can use kadmin.local, but you cannot use kadmin because we didn’t add a principal root/[email protected]. So this is what would happen:
# log in with the root/admin principal -- fails, because we did not add this principal
[root]$ kadmin
  Authenticating as principal root/[email protected] with password.
  kadmin: Client not found in Kerberos database while initializing kadmin interface

# log in with the tunde/admin principal -- works
[root]$ kadmin -p tunde/admin
  Authenticating as principal tunde/admin with password.
  Password for tunde/[email protected]:
  kadmin: exit

# log in with kadmin.local as root -- works
[root]$ kadmin.local
  Authenticating as principal root/[email protected] with password.
  kadmin.local: exit

So let’s see how we manage principals:

[root]$ kadmin -p tunde/admin
  Authenticating as principal tunde/admin with password.
  Password for tunde/[email protected]:

  #list principals -- see which users can get a kerberos ticket
  kadmin: list_principals

  #add a new principal
  kadmin:  addprinc user1
    WARNING: no policy specified for [email protected]; defaulting to no policy
    Enter password for principal "[email protected]":
    Re-enter password for principal "[email protected]":
    Principal "[email protected]" created.

  #delete principal
  kadmin: delprinc user1
    Are you sure you want to delete the principal "[email protected]"? (yes/no): yes
    Principal "[email protected]" deleted.
    Make sure that you have removed this principal from all ACLs before reusing.

  #let's add the user1 principal back
  kadmin:  addprinc user1
    WARNING: no policy specified for [email protected]; defaulting to no policy
    Enter password for principal "[email protected]":
    Re-enter password for principal "[email protected]":
    Principal "[email protected]" created.

  kadmin: exit

NOTE: You can also specify a query and then exit from the kadmin console.

[root]$ kadmin -p tunde/admin -q "list_principals"
[root]$ kadmin -p tunde/admin -q "addprinc user2"
[root]$ kadmin -p tunde/admin -q "delprinc user2"

To see what else you can do with the kadmin commnand, look at the MIT Kerberos Documentation – kadmin.

  1. Now we should test if our KDC is issuing tickets correctly.
[root]$ kinit user1
  Password for [email protected]:

# Let's see the ticket and also display the encryption type
[root]$ klist  -e
  Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_0
  Default principal: [email protected]

  Valid starting     Expires            Service principal
  02/03/14 02:32:42  02/04/14 02:32:42  krbtgt/[email protected]
    renew until 02/03/14 02:32:42, Etype (skey, tkt): aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96, aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96

This means that we got a ticket for user1 and it is valid for 1 day.
In case I would have been logged in as user "user1", I could have used kinit without specifying "user1" afterwards.

We can also destroy tickets:

[root]$ kdestroy
[root]$  klist
  klist: No credentials cache found (ticket cache FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_0)

NOTE: The principal username and the principal username/admin are different. If you added a principal username/admin that doesn’t mean that you can get a ticket for the principal username. Let’s see how this works. I’ve added a tunde/admin principal, but I didn’t create a tunde principal.

[root]$ kinit tunde
  kinit: Client not found in Kerberos database while getting initial credentials
[root]$ kinit tunde/admin
  Password for tunde/[email protected]:
[root]$ klist
  Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_0
  Default principal: tunde/[email protected]

  Valid starting     Expires            Service principal
  02/03/14 01:51:27  02/04/14 01:51:27  krbtgt/[email protected]
    renew until 02/03/14 01:51:27
  1. Check that you can renew the Kerberos Tickets (This is important for Hue)

    Why is TGT renewal important? Because some long running jobs might actually take advantage of renewing the ticket so they can continue running. Hue has a Kerberos Ticket Renewal instance. If you do not configure ticket renewal correctly, you won’t be able to use Hue in a Kerberized environment.
    So how can we check?

$ kinit tunde/admin
$ klist
  Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_0
  Default principal: tunde/[email protected]

  Valid starting     Expires            Service principal
  02/05/14 14:08:06  02/06/14 14:08:06  krbtgt/[email protected]
    renew until 02/05/14 14:08:06

$ kinit -R
  kinit: Ticket expired while renewing credentials

If you didn’t get this error, you can skip the rest of the blog, because your Kerberos server is working properly.

If you get this error, means that something is wrong with the Kerberos configuration. If it makes you feel better, it is probably not your fault: ticket renewal is per default disallowed in the most linux distributions. So what is happening?

The renewable life is set to be the minimum of:

The principals‘ max renewable life times are set in the KDB records with kadmin. By default new principals get a max renewable life of 0 if the max renewable life for the realm is not set in kdc.conf. The kdb5_util utility sets the max renewable life for the TGS the same way.

When you get a error similar to the one above, chances are that your krbtgt/realm>@ has a max renewable life time of 0. Let’s see:

$ kadmin -p tunde/admin
  kadmin:  getprinc tunde/admin
    Principal: tunde/[email protected]
    Expiration date: [never]
    Last password change: Mon Feb 03 01:15:15 PST 2014
    Password expiration date: [none]
    Maximum ticket life: 1 day 00:00:00
    Maximum renewable life: 0 days 00:00:00
    Last modified: Mon Feb 03 01:15:15 PST 2014 (root/[email protected])
    Last successful authentication: [never]
    Last failed authentication: [never]
    Failed password attempts: 0
    Number of keys: 6
    Key: vno 1, aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96, no salt
    Key: vno 1, aes128-cts-hmac-sha1-96, no salt
    Key: vno 1, des3-cbc-sha1, no salt
    Key: vno 1, arcfour-hmac, no salt
    Key: vno 1, des-hmac-sha1, no salt
    Key: vno 1, des-cbc-md5, no salt
    MKey: vno 1
    Policy: [none]

As you can see the maximum renewable life is 0 days.

Where are these renewable lifetimes set?

Unfortunately setting the max_life and max_renewable_life in /var/kerberos/krb5kdc/kdc.conf and restarting the kadmin and krb5kdc services isn’t enough, because the value was already saved in the KDB. So the quick fix would be to set the renew lifetime for the existing user and krbtgt realm. If you do not have too many users, you could also recreate the KDB using "kdb5_util create -s". Before recreating the database, you need to delete the principal* file from /var/kerberos/krb5kdc.

The quick fix is to change the maxlife for the (all) user(s) and krbtgt/REALM principal can be set with:

$ kadmin:  modprinc -maxlife 1days -maxrenewlife 7days +allow_renewable krbtgt@REALM
$ kadmin:  modprinc -maxlife 1days -maxrenewlife 7days +allow_renewable user@REALM

We need to update the krbtgt principal for our realm, because KDC cannot hand out tickets with a longer lifetime than the lifetime of the krbtgt principal.
In out case this would be:

$ kadmin: modprinc -maxlife 1days -maxrenewlife 7days +allow_renewable krbtgt/GDD.NL
$ kadmin:  modprinc -maxlife 1days -maxrenewlife 7days +allow_renewable tunde/[email protected]
  Principal "tunde/[email protected]" modified.
$ kadmin:  getprinc tunde/admin
  Principal: tunde/[email protected]
  Expiration date: [never]
  Last password change: Mon Feb 03 01:15:15 PST 2014
  Password expiration date: [none]
  Maximum ticket life: 1 day 00:00:00
  Maximum renewable life: 7 days 00:00:00
  Last modified: Wed Feb 05 14:32:52 PST 2014 (tunde/[email protected])
  Last successful authentication: [never]
  Last failed authentication: [never]
  Failed password attempts: 0
  Number of keys: 6
  Key: vno 1, aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96, no salt
  Key: vno 1, aes128-cts-hmac-sha1-96, no salt
  Key: vno 1, des3-cbc-sha1, no salt
  Key: vno 1, arcfour-hmac, no salt
  Key: vno 1, des-hmac-sha1, no salt
  Key: vno 1, des-cbc-md5, no salt
  MKey: vno 1
  Policy: [none]

And the maximum renewable life changed to 7 days.

So we have a working KDC, which can issue tickets and we can create new principals.

See you next time when we will discuss how to configure cross-realm trust.

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